A Quick Intro to Big Data
What is Big Data? Big Data exists as a solution that aids both individuals and businesses. Simply using your phone or computer, huge amounts of data gets collected about you, your friends, your colleagues and even your pets. As the digital age grows and expands, your computer can become your best friend, a sort of nosey, extremely informed-about-you kind of friend. This data is stored, allowing marketers to specifically advertise to you. This data helps your phone recommend restaurants to you that are nearby. Social media allows you to interact with others over the internet, easily allowing you to share mass amounts of almost pointless data. This data is readily accessible and easy and cheap to store. With cloud computing, companies can easily use Big Data to bring themselves into the digital age. And this data can be used to benefit the human race in so many ways, but are there risks that come along with this? As the technical arms race continues to quickly try the new te...